​​We Are Here to Create, Nurture, Develop and Accelerate Your Innovation

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Innovation Squad
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Batch Innovation Bootcamp
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Who We Are

AI Labs, an innovative and forward-looking organization at the forefront of transformation and technology.

Our unwavering dedication to progress and cutting-edge solutions propels us into the heart of innovation. We help individuals, teams, organizations, and communities to develop and accelerate impactful and sustainable innovations

People of AiLabs

Meet our exceptional team of passionate individuals, dedicated to delivering excellence

Anton Herutomo -AiLabs

Anton Herutomo

Chief Executive Officer
Anton is a highly experienced social innovator, entrepreneur, and business coach in mobile technology with over 23 years of experience. He possesses professional certifications from Google Cloud, ICAgile, Scrum.org, and ICF. His mission is to leverage mobile technology to drive creativity and innovation, ultimately benefiting millions of people in Asia.

Arief Mustain-AiLabs

Arief Mustain

Board of Advisor
Arief Mustain is a digital telco strategist with a proven track record in corporate growth. With over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, he excels in innovation program initiatives, talent development, and managing digital coalition projects. Arief's expertise spans products, services, operations, and business growth

Taofik Rifai-AiLabs

Taofik Rifai

Product Lead
Taofik Rifai is a social innovation and enterprise practitioner with 11+ years of experience. He is dedicated to fostering innovation and social entrepreneurship across Indonesia, particularly in education, social enterprise, and community development through User-Centered Design methodologies.

Dedi Cahyadi-AiLabs

Dedi Cahyadi

Business Development Lead
Dedi Cahyadi is a serial entrepreneur specializing in agritech, agribusiness, and fisheries technology. With 8 years of startup experience, he is passionate about developing business portfolios and expansion strategies, focusing on "Sustainable Value & ESG" aspects, particularly in Agri & Food, Halal Travel & Media, IT, and Sharia Stock Market within the AI Labs & AI Resources ecosystem.

Maqbulain Nuha-AiLabs

Maqbulain Nuha

Project Management Office
Maqbulatin Nuha is a social enterprise practitioner with 5+ years of experience in youth development. A Political Science graduate, Nuha is dedicated to creating sustainable social benefits through innovative initiatives like AI Labs and the "Berikan Protein Initiative" for growth and development.

Muhammad Faruq Al Hadid-AiLabs

Muhammad Faruq Al Hadid

Project Management Office
Muhammad Faruq Al Hadid is an innovation practitioner who excels in managing and implementing social innovation initiatives. He has a successful track record of directing projects that positively impact both companies and communities. Faruq's expertise in finance, backed by certifications from OJK and FPSB, allows him to align innovation objectives with critical financial aspects.


What We Do

Transformation Through Innovation and Technology

We develop initiatives related to how to execute transformation using technology and initiate innovation in individuals, teams, organizations and communities. We conduct training, workshops, and innovation assistance. We organize innovation hackathons, corporate innovation management, digital transformation coaching, Grassroot Community empowerment and develop digital products by applying AI, Big Data and other technologies.

Innovation Training and Workshop

Digital Transformation

Open Innovation

Core Values

We implement, uphold and spread these company values in every product and service

User Centric

Strives to provide best user experience


Innovating on an economic and social initiative and striving to act with integrity

Action Oriented

Trying to do it for self-sufficiency and sustainability


Our Areas of Interest

We are open to collaboration to build user-oriented and sustainability-oriented innovation and technology. We help and develop innovation and technology with the following focus

Social Innovation

Social Enterprise

Sustainable Development Goals

Corporate Innovation Management

Case Studies

Check out Our Case Study

Social Innovation

Digital Transformation

Lean-Agile Culture

Public Health Tech: Covid-19 Mobile Labs

Social Enterprise Bootcamp

Impact Innovation Incubator

E-Sport Academy


Our Partners

More Than 300+ Companies Have Collaborated With Us

Our Blog

Read Our Latest Updates

Mendengar kata ‘riset’, bagi sebagian orang akan langsung merasa ‘alergi’ bahkan pusing karena yang terpikirkan adalah proses yang melelahkan.

Siapa yang tak kenal dengan tumbuhan mangrove? Pada tahun 2004, ketika Aceh dan pesisir Lautan Hindia dilanda bencana alam tsunami, mangrove…

Mencapai tujuan bersama, bukan cuma merancang tahapan penyelesaiannya atau bahkan menyama-ratakan keresahan yang dirasakan orang-orang.

Upcoming Events

Check Out Our Latest Events

A 4-week online program designed by Agile Innovation Labs in collaboration with Bank BJB Syariah presenting well-known experts to strengthen..

93 Tahun Soempah Pemoeda WUJUDKAN Social Enterprise yang mendunia. SOCIAL ENTERPRISE BOOTCAMP BATCH 4 IS UP! APPLY NOW ..

E-Sports Academy Session 4 Pasca Karir. Mengupas tuntas menjadi seorang pro players mobile games terbaik bersama seorang mantan pro players..

Contact Us

Jl. Kebagusan I, No. 4. Kel. Kebagusan, Kec. Pasar Minggu. Jakarta Selatan 12520

©2022 – AI Labs | All right reserved


Social Innovation


Digital Transformation


Lean-Agile Culture


Covid-19 Mobile Lab


Social Enterprise Bootcamp


Impact Innovation Incubator


E-Sport Academy

